Wednesday, March 28, 2012

outside reading

    The Tenth Circle,written by Jodi Picoult is a great story.Daniel Stone, a comic book artist who is dealing with the fact that his wife Laura, is having an affair, also has to deal with his 14 year old daughter Trixie who is going through a difficult time as a tragic event happens. Freshman Trixie is "in love" with her junior boyfriend Jason, so she thinks. When Jason breaks it off with Trixie, she results to doing anything to get him back and make him jealous. Trixie's best friend Zephyr throws a wild party for Trixie to win Jason over.As the night winds down, Trixie and Jason get to talking and things get intense. Jason then proceeds to rape Trixie.
    When Trixie comes home that same night and tells Daniel what had happened, Daniel immediatly tries to take control. Things get out of hand as Daniel doesnt know how to handle the rape eof Trixie and how to save his marriage. As the story continues, the Stone family uncovers mant secrets mostly about Daniel and his past growing up in Alaska. I don't wanna get into too much detail and be the spoiler for people who havent read The Tenth Circle so im gonna stop here with the summary.
     Jodi Picoult uses imagery throughout the entire book.The story gives images of a snowy, winter night when the rape takes place. I would strongly reccomend this book to anyone really. If you've seen the movie, it's nothing like the book. Every detail in the movie is opposite in the book. I personally like the book better.The details and plot of the story are so much better to read than to just watch. The Tenth Circle is by far one of the best books i have read.

Friday, March 9, 2012


The Human Centipede 1 and 2 are probably the most talked about grousome films. I learned why last night as i watched the films. For anyone who doesnt know what the movies are about, 2 sick men have ideas of making a human centipede using conscience people, connecting them mouth to anus. The people invloved endure grousome acts as the"surgery" as the men call it is being performed. Most people say they are scarred after watching the films, i definitley was. What's disturbing is that there are people in this world that would actually do something like this. You read about all these murders and stuff in the paper's, on telvision etc., but did you ever think about how these people were murdered?